"Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; The calf and young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them." Isaiah 11:6

The "family circle" is something I've been adding to the back of our card for 21 years. Corbin is fascinated with it (I think he likes it better than the front of the cards) so yesterday I got out the copies I have saved of all of the cards and showed him how his mom and aunts have grown from tiny girls into big girls, how I added his daddy and him, then Zack to the group, and how both of them have grown. In 2002, I added our pug, Jazmine the angel dog, to the design (she died in 2001, but I didn't think to add her that year). Corbin loves the fact that he's trying to take a present out of his mom's hands. The circle has had to grow from its beginning size of about 1" to nearly 2 1/2". Every year it's a challenge to fit everyone in and make the changes in their appearance from the previous year, but making my own cards is a gift I give to myself, and one I hope to continue as long as I am able.