Every year for the past 4 or 5, I have made a donation of a block or something CQed to the Crazy Quilt convention in Omaha. The items are raffled or auctioned either to benefit breast cancer research or for scholarships to the convention. Last year I made a tote bag with some CQ blocks, and this year I'll be using the same pattern, but have chosen some Laurel Birch designer fabric with a mermaid and sea horse print.

Two of the blocks have a patch of the sea horse print, along with some "poke you in the eye" coordinating colored patches and stitching. I would have loved to add beads and all that fun stuff, but I'm hoping this will be a usable bag, so I restrained myself and just used embroidery, lace, yarn, and buttons.

This block has a mommy mermaid with her child. I added a wreath of sea flowers to her head and a button cluster for her to hide behind if anyone unfriendly comes too close.

This mermaid is even more shy; she needed a fan coral and some colorful seaweed to duck behind. She's holding a parrot of some aquatic type, so she got pink feathers along with the flowers in her hair.
When the bag is finished, I'll post a pic of it.