Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Colorado Retreat, part 5

The Chinese auction is always a favorite part of the retreat. The idea is that each person brings a CQ gift (worth approx. $25, but with CQ, it's hard to gauge a dollar value) that can be either stash or tools or a hand-made item. They are wrapped so no one can tell what is in the package until it's opened, and all are placed in a pile for all to see. Numbers are drawn to determine the order, and the first person chooses one and opens it. Much oohing and ahhing commences, and then person number 2 takes a turn, BUT they have the option of stealing the gift from number 1 or opening something new. This continues, with gifts being stolen a maximum of twice before being declared "safe". These photos are all out of order, and I didn't get photos of everyone, but here is a sampling of the fun:

Here's Helen, Josie, and Connie having a closer look at the tea cozy Diane made...

Gerry H opening a gift...will she get to keep it? Probably not!

Me opening a gift. I think I was declared the winner of the "most stolen from" award (which doesn't really exist), but I must admit I did a bit of stealing myself!


Me again...

Holly, the first to get to call Lauri's magnificent CQed teddy bear hers. I promptly stole it, even though I knew it would be stolen from me. Sure enough, Helen snapped it up and being the 2nd stealer, got to keep it.

Helen, Connie, Pam, Sandy, and Shari....


Me again....
And Connie finished....

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