As part of the fun prior to the retreat, we were invited to join a challenge round robin, in which we were offered one of two fabics; either a pink/yellow design or a blue/green design. We were NOT allowed to see the fabric first, we just chose by the color description. I chose the yellow/pink, which turned out to be this:

Others got the blue/green, and within a RR group, we could expect to work on both fabrics.

After we received a fat quarter of our chosen fabric, we were to choose a certain number of additional fabrics to go with it, and a trim or two, and send all of this along to the next person on our rotation. That person added a few more fabric choices and pieced the 16" block but did not embellish it. The blocks then made the remaining rounds (theoretically 4 other stitchers) who embellished the whole block. All the blocks would be revealed and returned to their original owners at the retreat. Well, it didn't exactly work out that way, but that was the plan.
I don't remember whose block is whose for most of these, but I do recall working on this one. I added the dyed lace motif, the loopy gimp trim, and the spider and web.

These next 4 I didn't work on (there were 2 groups in this RR).

I did work on this one, adding two 3D butterflies, a ribbon rose spray, and some seams.

This is the one I pieced for Rebecca. She wasn't able to come to the retreat, but her block will be sent to her.

I didn't work on either of these blocks.

On this one, I did the little embroidered fan, some seams on the large fan blades, the ribbon work pansy and the swirly embroidered vining around it.

This block is mine! It was pieced by Gerry H, and beautifully embellished by Kerry, Nancy, Colleen, and Rebecca.

Oh, and this fella made an appearance in front of our cabin one day, bugling and lazily chasing three lovely ladies (elk ladies, not human ones).

We were also visited by a coyote, who brazenly walked down the sidewalk in front of the cabin and around to the end, where he made himself at home on the patio. I'd seen him walk by the dining room window and thought, "I wonder whose dog that sure has a bushy tail." Then I got curious and walked out of the living room door (which was standing wide open!) and around to the patio. One look at that narrow muzzle and yellow-eyed face and I knew that wasn't a dog. I shooed him away, in a funny high pitched voice, but he left reluctantly (gave me a "well, if you insist" look) and sauntered over to the cabin just up the hill. He was definitely not frightened by humans, which might eventually be his downfall.