The first is a work in progress. It belongs to Beryl, and we are partners on CQ for Newbies, where we are doing the winter block of the season to season share. We each piece a block and embellish about half of it, then they get swapped out and we get to finish our partner's block while they finish ours, and then we get our own back again. It's a great way to get to see someone else's work up close without the huge time commitment of a round robin.
To this block I added the SRE poinsettia in the center, the seam above and to the left of it, the swirly beaded gimp trim (which I also dyed), the group of hot pink snowflakes on the green/white seam, and of course the tiny birds. I also added hot pink/fuschia beads here and there to tie it all together. But that green patch is staring at me, mocking me...what does it want?!? I don't know yet, but it doesn't have to be done and sent back until April 1st, so I have a little time.

Here's my completed Fantasy Landscape RR block, and I couldn't be more happy with it. I love the eyeball tree, the spaceship (which gets the award for "Best Use of Sequins"), the moon face, the plant life, and the aliens. Oh, the aliens! Four eyes and 6 tentacles! Who could ask for more than that? And if they lose an eyeball, they can just go pluck one off the eyeball tree!

I've been meaning to post for awhile about the pins I got for Christmas. Maybe I should clarify. I won some huge spider pins on Ebay, and when they arrived, I handed them to Paul and said, "Here, you're giving me these for Christmas." There are 4 of them, and oddly enough, I haven't found many occasions to wear them. Hmmm, go figure.....I did wear the red one on my black vest one day, just to go out shopping and doing errands, and NO ONE so much as mentioned it. I know some people are arachnophobic, but if you saw a huge, jeweled red spider on someone's shoulder, wouldn't you at least say, "That's some spider there." Or, "You've got a spider on your shoulder." Or, "Are you crazy or what???" So anyway, they won't get worn much, sadly, but I'm thinking I'll put them on my gold quilt. They can be pinned on there, and taken off to wear if an appropriate occasion does come up, like National Spider Pin Day or something like that. It could happen.

Here's the little wall quilt where I keep my pin collection. I have frogs and spiders on here, and a few odd things (like spiders and frogs aren't odd enough) like leaves and flowers.
You can click on the photo to get a close-up and see the other spiders (check out the red one!) and the frogs.

This is a bit of an antique quilt that I saw on Ebay. I just loved this spider and web. Someone really took their time with this, and must have studied a spider up close to get that detail. She even included a little something for Madame Spider to eat. My kinda gal!

We woke up to more snow this morning, just a skiff, really, but winter does seem reluctant to leave. However, spring is just as determined to come, as you can see by the tulips poking their brave little heads out of the leaf litter in the front flower bed. Come on Spring! You can do it!