The cone part of the hat is done, I think. You never know when you'll find something else you want to stick on a CQ project, but it has all the elements I originally planned for it. Yes, I do occasionally have a plan; I just rarely stick to them.

The upper side of the brim now has a little witch girl silkie framed with a hand-dyed lace heart. I just added the words, "Don't make me call the flying monkeys" on a velvet-flocked cotton patch using waste canvas. It gave me some trouble pulling out the threads, but I like how it looks. My next wording project will be adding, "double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble" on the lace patch. That should be fun.

Here's the little girl silkie upright.

And a meandering chain stitch that helped fill in an awkward area around the lace cirle.

I just added the moon yesterday, using the most perfect moon fabric I've ever run across. It's mottled ivory with a pearlized wash in spots. I found a remnant of it a local fabric store, and bought it because I like to do all cream colored blocks occasionally (they're just fun to work on). When I planned the moon, I was going to use yellow satin, or a gold speckled ivory cotton, then I found this where I'd stashed it after I bought it. It's perfect!
Side note: last night was the night for the super moon, as the media has been calling it, or the super-duper mega-moon-a-rooni, as we've dubbed it around here. Supposedly it was the closest the moon has been or will be to the earth in years. We were all stoked to see it, and guess what? Cloudy skies, no moon visible at all.

And before you get all impressed, I didn't stitch the witch on the moon. She's an applique I purchased at the same store in which I found the moon fabric. They were meant to be together, I guess!