Not a lot, but some. While sitting at the craft show, which was sort of a bust (sold $52 worth of items, barely making back my $20 entry fee) I worked some on this black and white wall hanging.

I love doing the corner fans, like the pink one below. They are so much fun, just making it up as you go row by row.

See the black and white trim I bought in Delta? It was pretty by itself, but I really like it with the bright variegated green sprays and hot pink knots on it.

I haven't had a RR block to work on for a month, but just got one in the mail yesterday. The theme of it is Bridge to Terabithia, and I have neither read the book nor seen the movie, so I'll have to do that before I can even start on it.
There will be several RRs starting up after the new year that I've signed up for. One is flower fairies, and Lauri not only offered to give me some silkies she'd printed already, but she pieced the 6 little blocks for me (this is called a Do Your Block RR, where each stitcher chooses one block and completely embellishes it)! The other RR is one traditional block, and the theme is Bees, Butterflies, and Beetles. I'm not sure if I want to do that one as an all cotton, all white and cream prints block, or if it should be black and jewel toned fancies so it could go with my spider blocks. I think the all white/cream idea would be pretty and springy with all pastel embellishments on it, but I'd like to have a 3rd insect/bug block to go with the 2 spider blocks.