We had a heart swap recently on CQ for Newbies. I got two done and sent in, and these two were in the works but didn't get finished in time. Oh well, there will be another swap in the future.
This heart stalled out because I ran out of the thread I'd dyed for the flowers (also used on the gimp). So it won't be finished until I drag out the dyes again and play around with getting the colors right. The cute little oval motif is a bit of cotton print fabric I got at the retreat last fall, during the stash dash! Just that one little motif...

This one is done using only two types of thread. Both DMC pearl cotton, but one is #115, a variegated red to deep burgundy, and #890, deep green. There are some beads thrown in there too.

More work on my sheep sides. I added the button, bead, and stitching motif to the upper right, which is the sheep's right shoulder area.

On the left side, I added a spider and web, and finished (maybe) the vines. They might bloom yet, I don't know....

In the afore mentioned heart swap, I received these two beauties. The orange one is from Holly P. in Arkansas. She does very nice bullion roses. And the pink one is from Linda M. in MS. It's got some delectable pink tatting.