Trystan, Jared, Rachel in the background, and Corbin on the floor. Behind Trystan is the Netflix video of a cracking fireplace, which we played throughout the evening. We have a real fire place, but with 20-some warm bodies in this little house, it would get too hot. So we had the ambiance without the heat.

My sister-in-law Sherry holding Barbara's grandson Jeremiah, and Barbara.

An ill-tempered teen elf finishing up some gifts.

Paul relaxing before the big holiday crunch. The light-up Santa on the hearth is very old; I've had it since I was about 6. Yes, we had electricity back then....

Some of the Popish family here for Christmas eve dinner. The handsome fella in the grey shirt is grandson Zack.

Ooooops! How did that get in there?? Oh, yeah, he's here to wish everyone an extra terrific year in 2012!