First we have two MORE rocking chair pin cushions that I found on Ebay. I've got quite a little collection going. I'm pretty sure I won't be keeping them all. One will be given a CQ make-over and will be taken to the CQI retreat as a Chinese auction gift. Others might get make-overs and be offered for sale. I haven't decided yet. Poor Commander Riker is NOT having a good day...."Riker to Enterprise! I'm pinned down! Beam me up NOW!" Oh, we do have fun with Riker around here. He's my grandson Zack's favorite toy when he comes over...

Here's the flower fairy block I embellished for Rita in Kansas. This RR is over for me now, and my blocks are home!

I found this skull fabric remnant the other day and had the urge to make an all black and white block just for fun. I have no plans for it, but my muse was getting sleepy and needed some encouragement.

Here are my flower fairy blocks! They were all pieced by Lauri B. These two were embellished by Susan in Australia (left) and Rita in Kansas (right).

These two were done by Kerry in Canada and Arlene in Australia. These blocks literally had a trip around the world! They left Colorado in January for Kansas, then went to Queensland, Australia, then to Alberta, Canada, then back to Queensland, then to Iowa, then back to Colorado. If only they could talk...

The block on the left here was done by Cathy L. in Iowa, and the one on the right is left for me to do. I can't decide if I want them all together in one wall hanging or if I want to do up two more and make a couple of schlep bags with them.

Paul has recovered sufficiently to be able to do some ATVing, which he has missed terribly this spring and summer. He took these photos on Glade Park while he and Michaela had a ride last Sunday.

The wildflowers were incredible.

And this columbine (Colorado's state flower) was huge!

Later that evening, we had a storm move through the valley, which brought this incredible double rainbow. It was actually a full rainbow (my camera couldn't capture it all) and very intensely colored at the ends.

As if that wasn't enough to ooh and aah about, it was followed by a gorgeous sunset. This is actually taken looking east, away from the setting sun, but the light turned the clouds this Easter-egg pink against the blue sky.