A blue WIP that will eventually be the cover of a scrap book/photo album. Here is it naked;

....and with some of the embellishment stitching done. Again, an SRE bouquet done in hand dyed blue ribbons. The orange in the black and white WIP is also hand-dyed.

When one has a black thumb, gardening is a real trial. So this year we decided to try container gardening. We bought 3 of the Topsy Turvy planters and put two tiny tomato plants in each one. They are actually doing very well. We don't have them hanging high enough for when they get really big, but we can move them later. Right now I'm enjoying having them right outside the pation doors.

I had already bought tomatoes to put into the hanging pots, then I read the directions and realized I'd bought too big of plants to fit through the hole. So the bigger tomatoes ended up getting a regular pot, and the rectangular pot has 4 different bell peppers in it. One is lavender, one red, one yellow and one orange. They'll probably cross pollinate and we'll end up with Jackson Pollock peppers. We also have a pot of Anaheim chili peppers. We've had a really damp (well, for here) and coolish June, so everything has gotten a great start before the really hot days kick in.

And finally, what happens when you have a two year old boy who really needs a nap, but really doesn't want to take a nap? He makes himself as uncomfortable as possible in order to keep from falling asleep...

...but it just doesn't work.